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Your Inner Game

98% of businesses fail in their first ten years. Of the 2% that survive, only a fraction of them achieve high-impact growth. WHAT’S THEIR SECRET? Over the course of four years Matt Brown has interviewed hundreds of local and international entrepreneurs and business experts for his podcast, The Matt Brown Show, and in the process has created a lexicon of business, growth, start-up and funding hacks that anyone can learn from and implement. He has also come to the conclusion that the single defining factor between entrepreneurs who make it and those who don’t is internal. It’s all about the inner game. Entrepreneurs with a strong inner game live, breathe and work according to a set of principles that define everything they do.
Business Books
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by Drew
Business Books

The Book Every Marketer Should Read

What does it take to be an incredible marketer, creating campaigns that move something from ‘here’ to ‘there’ so that it is noticed, believed, loved, and ultimately (and importantly) bought by customers – whether in business-to-business or business-to-consumer contexts