Today, building your personal brand is no longer an option – it’s a necessity. It used to be all about corporate branding or institutional branding. That’s all changed. Nowadays, life as we know it is all about YOUR name, your image, your digital footprint, and being the President of your personal brand. Fortunately, with today’s technology and social media, creating your brand is easier than ever before – and it’s crucial that you take control and manage the direction of your brand before someone else does. “What I do may be relatively simple, but how I got here, how I built my brand, has been a long story over many countries and cultures. It is a story of ambition and balance, of achievement and disappointment, of untimely disruption and spontaneous opportunity, of happiness and tears. How did I get here? Now there’s a question worth answering that just might inspire a few ‘wows’ and laughs along the way. To tell it chronologically, however, would be selfish of me. It would be my story, amusing to hear, but purely vicarious in its appeal. And let’s face it, the Jen Su brand has a wonderful story behind it, but it’s not the stuff of legends.