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‘It became apparent to me that, due to the complexity of problems that face humanity today, those who do not know should not lead.’ – PROFESSOR TSHILIDZI MARWALA In 2020 the world found itself in a state of flux. A global pandemic disrupted the world order while the digital transformation of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), with its challenges and huge potential benefits, presented a fundamental paradigm shift. How are Africa’s leaders to respond, today?


“We need to innovate!” – Every CEO ever Innovation is not about changing your product, it’s about changing your mindset. It’s not about doing something new, it’s about stopping doing something old. This entire book rehashes these two lines in as many ways as ground-breaking (if you dropped him off a high platform wearing heavy shoes) business thinker Richard Mulholland was able to do in around 125 pages. Changing the legacy mindset is not easy, but hot-damn, it’s worthwhile. Legacide, the book, hopes to do just that. “Undeniably brilliant… it will change your life.” – MIKE STOPFORTH, Author of Brand Schizo

Life Profitability

What does ‘success’ mean to you? If you’re an entrepreneur, this probably feels like a straightforward question with a simple answer: you want your business to thrive. You want to make a profit; stand out; be noticed. But then what? Are you done? Are you fulfilled? Are you happy? For Adii Pienaar, selling two multimillion-dollar businesses wasn’t enough. He was an entrepreneur because he wanted freedom; and yet, instead, he was stuck in a destructive cycle, almost losing everything by his constant search for more.


Bonang Mohale is a highly respected South African businessman, who is known as much for his patriotism and his active role in seeking to advance his country’s interests as for the leading role he has played in companies like Otis Elevators, Shell South Africa and South African Airways, among others. Developed over 30 years of business experience, his insights have motivated change in organisations and individuals alike. As CEO of Business Leadership South Africa, he frequently shares his insights through speeches and articles on the role of business in South Africa and the core tenets of leadership. Lift As You Rise is a compilation of some of his spoken and written words in which Mohale reveals the issues he is passionate about – among them transformation, people development, constructive collaboration and integrity – and how they came to define his career and his life. He looks into the ideas behind his words and offers fresh thoughts on the subjects they cover.


Money is a tool that we can all master. You choose to either be a ‘Money Slave’ or a ‘Money Master’. Imali Yami · Chelete Yaka · My Geld · My Money is a practical, easy to read, personal finance book – a guide that will help many South Africans begin to create wealth and not fear the subject of personal financial planning. A treasure trove of useful advice and tips, this book is essential reading to gain a basic understanding of money mechanics. A guide to help you find your confidence, and see money as it really is – a tool that anyone can use.


‘The future of Africa is bright. Innovation, and not aid, is the answer.’ McLean Sibanda believes that Africa must be deliberate about its economic development and that change requires champions, and importantly, fertile enabling environments.In Nuts & Bolts you will gain unique perspectives on challenges faced by leaders overseeing a turnaround in any organisation; and the thought processes behind innovation initiatives that yielded value. McLean provides practical insights on innovation and entrepreneurship for Africa’s development through a narrative of his seven years of repositioning Sub-Saharan Africa’s first internationally recognised Science and Technology Park, The Innovation Hub. Included, too, are reflections from entrepreneurs who have all gone on to build successful businesses which will be useful for anyone working on a start-up or innovation, particularly institutions set up to create new products or services.